Minggu, 17 Oktober 2010

tip for beautyfull softer skin

The cold weather months are in full swing, and that means hot chocolate and fuzzy sweaters are the fashion for the season. What`s not in style is dry, chapped winter skin but there is help for this condition. To keep your skin soft and supple, follow these five tips to keep skin moisturized and beautiful.
Yes, you've heard it before – probably many times and for many reasons. Drink your water! Why do you hear this mantra so often? Because there are few things as good for your body and as easy to do as drinking plenty of water every day. A good rule of thumb is to take your weight, cut the number in half and use that as the number of ounces of water you should consume every day. For example, if you weigh 130 pounds, try to drink 65 ounces of water daily. Your skin is yet another good excuse, so drink up! What`s not in style is dry, chapped winter skin but there is help for this condition. To keep your skin soft and supple, follow these five tips to keep skin moisturized and beautiful.

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