Senin, 11 Oktober 2010


This is the secret of women that you must know as a man. And I guarantee you will be able to conquer women. If you do not! No doubt you slapped
Did you know easy trick is how to seduce women with frequent humor smelly sex. She really likes talking about sex let alone humor about sex. Make no mistake though you know it seems beyond coy. But in his heart, too, would want. Actually, the secret of this lady was perfectly normal, whether male or female loves talking dirty humor that leads toward sex. Cuman because according to custom she must be calm and so quiet, be they outside looks not like talking about sex. But normally the same as men
For women who important it is not the SIZE frequency. A rose you give your lover every week is far more memorable than an acre of garden roses each year. If you want to do it alone, you already know the secret hearts of most women you love (It's for couples who have finished or are married)
Know the secret of woman that makes him dizzy is that the woman was the most difficult to fall in love. But once fall in love they will be hard to forget. So if the woman's way of enticing you to fail. Keep trying!

The secret of a woman's heart is the main thing is they do not like things that smell romantic. Well you know? Startle sure you hear this. Actually meraka just want attention more than others is nothing more than that. Do not say "you are the most beautiful woman in the world" would be better to say "you're more beautiful than other women"
You also have to think of a woman's decision against you,
80% of each woman's decision based on emotion. They do not care how much good you give, but would be happy near you or not. Start by having the same humor that was a good first step.
And also ...

Woman's decision in choosing a mate one of them is how misteriuskah man front. How to captivate the most successful woman is make yourself hard to guess so that women will continue to think of you.

OK! Actually there are many women other than the above secret. But wait I finished reading the book how to be a playboy, yes .... or look at love and women's categories.

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